Comment 24 for bug 1623853

Revision history for this message
Matthias Apitz (gubu) wrote :

I updated 2 devices BQ E4.5 last nigth; both staid black after the installation process and I have to press ~20 seconds the power button to make them reboot; lucky that they came up; I will attach the syslog and the apparmar.log file; the latter is full of error messages like:

ERROR: Could not parse click manifest. Skipping 'com.ubuntu.telegram_sctelegram_2.2.24.0.json'
ERROR: Could not parse click manifest. Skipping 'com.ubuntu.telegram_telegram_2.2.24.0.json'
ERROR: Could not parse click manifest. Skipping 'com.canonical.scopes.songkick_songkick_1.1.0.json'
ERROR: Could not parse click manifest. Skipping 'twitter.canonicalpartners_twitter_2.6.json'