Comment 5 for bug 327673

Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote : Re: glxgears crashed with SIGSEGV

I'm not certain a full back trace would help out here. I'm less interested in this crash report than in apport not reporting these. I'd think a package hook for mesa similar to the usplash one could be written. Here's part of the usplash one:

if report.has_key('StacktraceTop'):
        top_fn = report['StacktraceTop'].splitlines()[0]
        if '' in top_fn or 'run_vm86' in top_fn:
            report['UnreportableReason'] = 'The crash happened in the firmware of \
the computer ("BIOS"), which cannot be influenced by the operating system.'

So I think checking the StactrackTop for and /var/log/Xorg.0.log for GLX not being enabled would be sufficient.