Comment 2 for bug 280497

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Daniel Hollocher (chogydan) wrote :

Its my understanding (from reading the forum posting) that not only does the transmission package contain clutch, but also contains a newer version which will conflict with the one contained in the clutch-package.

The clutch-package requires transmission version less than 1.3, and breaks versions 1.3 and greater.

As a side story, I ran across this situation talking to someone on IRC, who was a user of clutch, and could not get it working with the new transmission. I've never used clutch-package myself, but I tested the web interface in transmission (the integrated clutch) and it seemed to work fine. So this kinda confirms what I see on the forum posting.

As for a valid upgrade path, I think the major difference between the old clutch and the new clutch is that the new clutch has a built in webserver. So, the new (versions greater than 1.3) transmission package should conflict with the package clutch, the clutch package should be removed from the intrepid repos.
This would cause the old clutch package to be removed. Any webserver configuration that people did to get that old clutch working, will have to be removed manually, since it was put in place manually in the first place? I dunno.


PS - you can look at the relevant IRC logs here: Just do a search for clutch. Its between me(danbh_intrepid) and chamunks (there really isn't much to see. He just says he can't get it working, and I offer to take a look. If I ever see chamunks again, I'll ask him to comment on this bug report.)