Comment 2 for bug 640807

Revision history for this message
Hernando Torque (htorque) wrote : Re: Forces low refresh rate on CRT monitor

Ok, so this seems to have been triggered by the change in defaults in version 2.31.91-0ubuntu3 (turn on ext. monitors).

Setting 'apps/gnome_settings_daemon/xrandr/turn_on_external_monitors_at_startup' to false for the user gdm made this bug go away in the current version. That key has been introduced with version 2.31.91-0ubuntu1:

From the ways to get the value for 'config' in the method 'apply_default_boot_configuration', only 'config = make_laptop_setup (screen);' seems to work (= as soon as enabling turn_on_external_monitors_at_startup, I see the 60 Hz). 'make_clone_setup' and 'make_other_setup' will call 'gnome_rr_mode_get_freq' at some point, which will return bogus because my monitor's EDID is invalid.

$ xrandr -q
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 175, current 1280 x 1024, maximum 1280 x 1024
default connected 1280x1024+0+0 0mm x 0mm
   1280x1024 50.0* 51.0 53.0


Due to all the patches I'm not sure if that's an upstream bug. This should affect all users that have a monitor without EDID (got to be an old one) or invalid EDID (have seen a couple of models on the video driver section of the freedesktop bug tracker).