Comment 12 for bug 1616943

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Jan Johansson (insomniacno1) wrote :

Yesterday I tried to install VLC non-free from Gnome Software and were asked to login to Ubuntu One, which do not work as it keeps saying Password or email is wrong. Obviously neither email or password are worng when I'm able to write here, after signed in through Ubuntu One in web browser - People above agree that this is a bug.

But wouldn't it be an idea to actually inform people of this through computer magazines or sites like were people go for help setting up Ubuntu after install - so that they don't have to waste time running around on the net trying to figure out why this happens - since developers here have known about this since August 25.

It wouldn't take you more than a few minutes posting: "There is a bug in the Gnome Software, which disables the login to Ubuntu One - we are working on a solution. Please be patient. We will come out with and update very soon!"

This kind of thing annoys me, it were one of the reasons I switched to linux from Win7 after MS came out with their Win10 and tried to force people to update - I have used and supported/build/repaired computers for over 25 years. I never liked windows, but had to use it because of customers.

I just came from Ubuntu forums, where people are asking this question, but nobody here thinks its a good idea to answer them!

An update there on the progress of a solution would be an idea!