
Created by Alexander Belchenko and last modified
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bzr branch lp:qbzr/0.14
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Branch information

QBzr Developers

Recent revisions

990. By Alexander Belchenko

0.14.7 release.

989. By Alexander Belchenko

README: added information about versions compatibility between bzr and qbzr

988. By Gary van der Merwe

Don't break when bzr-search tries to import bzr-svn, and bzr-svn is incompatible with bzrlib.

987. By Gary van der Merwe

Update NEWS.txt

986. By Gary van der Merwe

Merge Fix isolation breaks by allowing the smallest possible access. (vila) (Cherrypick of trunk rev 992)

985. By Gary van der Merwe

Revert the previous 2 revisions. The bug does do affect 0.14.

984. By Gary van der Merwe

TreeWidget: emit layoutAboutToBeChanged signal while we remove old items.
(Cherrypick of rev 1201 from trunk)

983. By Gary van der Merwe

Treewidget: Fix a crash when refreshing tree with a checked item that has a parent that is ungrouped.
(Cherry pick of rev 1193 from 0,18)

982. By Gary van der Merwe

Set the window flags on all dialogs to QtCore.Qt.Window so that windows opened from dialogs don't appear behind the dialog.
(Cherrypick rev 1204 from trunk)

981. By Gary van der Merwe

Release 0.14.6

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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