Merge lp:~ubuntu-translations-coordinators/ubuntu-translations/ubuntu-i18n into lp:~mgedmin/ubuntu-translations/search-both

Proposed by Marius Gedminas
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp:~ubuntu-translations-coordinators/ubuntu-translations/ubuntu-i18n
Merge into: lp:~mgedmin/ubuntu-translations/search-both
Diff against target: 0 lines
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp:~ubuntu-translations-coordinators/ubuntu-translations/ubuntu-i18n

Description of the change

Most of the time I want to just search for a string without pausing and
thinking if it's in a message id or in a translated string.

This branch makes

  search-ubuntu-translations "foo"

search for "foo" both in original and in translated messages.

The -m argument now accepts a third option, "both", and it is the default.

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