Code review comment for lp:~jameinel/bzr/2.3-filter-tests

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Vincent Ladeuil (vila) wrote :

>>>>> Robert Collins <email address hidden> writes:

    > we did two simultaneous things a while back:
    > - turned off -1, so that we get *all* failures


    > - turned on subunit, so that the failures are machine driven


    > The emails are meant to be compressed, so you should in principle
    > be able get it reliably.

In practice I only get failures for merge errors, any error in the test
suite and... it's not delivered.

    > If we're actually running into mailer limits, we can do a few
    > things:

    > - turn off subunit (will reduce some of the overhead - lots in a
    > success case, but in a it-all-goes-pear-shaped failure, you'll
    > still hit the limit and whatever undiagnosed and unfixed issue is
    > biting you now, will bite you then.

Yup, exactly my feeling.

    > - diagnose and fix the mailer path issue so that you receive the
    > mails reliably

As a data point, John got an email for a failure and *I* didn't get it
for the same failure (or so very closely the same failure that the
difference doesn't matter).

This means the problem is on my side but I don't know where exactly. I
use fetchmail and there is *nothing* in the logs so that also rules out
the delivery part. That leaves my ISP mail server... and I don't control
it. That's me, but it could apply to anybody else, we just don't know.

    > - stop using email to send the results

Or store the results somewhere (deleting them after a day/week/month

Or send two mails:
- one indicating the failure
- one with the stream attached.

At least with that I will *know* there was a failure.

    > - filter the stream at source so success and other results that
    > you consider uninteresting are not included in the 'raw'
    > stream. Note that again, this will *leave the failure mode in
    > place so when it goes bad you will stop getting the responses*

Another idea would be to have a different pqm instance used only for
known failures and make the output for the regular pqm includes only
*failures* and get rid of *all* the rest.

    > Now, I'm not directly experiencing this anymore, so you need to do
    > what makes sense to you.

Thanks for your thoughts anyway.

    > If subunit's API is out of date and messing up the reason
    > formatting, I'll happily fix it - I'm going to go peek and see if
    > its addSkip is stale right after mailing this.

Cool, any feedback ?

    > To stop using email to send the results, we either need to design
    > a new thing and change PQM to do it, or reenable the LP API
    > support, which Tim requested we disable.

And what would that give us ? Failed run stream attached to the mp as an
attachment ?

    > We previously *haven't* filtered at source as a defensive measure
    > against bugs. Python 2 is riddled with default-encoding pitfalls
    > and they made subunit + bzr very unreliable at one point. Possibly
    > totally fixed thanks to Martin[gz].

I still expect a few (tiny but annoying) bugs to be fixed there...

    > Personally, I would not take any action that leaves the problem
    > fallow waiting for a serious test failure to provoke it: that just
    > means that when you need it most it will fail.


    > However, as I say above: you're using this system, I'm rarely
    > using it : do what makes sense to you. I do strongly suggest that
    > you change things in PQM itself if you want filtering, rather than
    > bzr. That will at least preserve the detailed output for babune if
    > you do need it in future.

Babune doesn't use 'make check' and will still use subunit, that's

Since I administer babune, I don't have any problem with tracking
subunit and testtools trunks. The problem with PQM, as I see it, is that
we suffer a lot from not being able to control the full stack that
decides whether or not a commit should be landed.

Don;t get me wrong on this, it's good that we don't tweak it endlessly
either, but I'd prefer a reliable solution and if this means making
'make check' simpler (even if less powerful), so be it.

    > As for the value of logs on success, xfail, skip etc : *if* they pass
    > incorrectly, I think the log will be invaluable, but you won't need it
    > till you need it.



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